Sunday Services: 8:30AM and 10:30AM

Wednesday Service: 9:30AM
RESCHEDULED- Feeding America

Due to dangerously low temps and the winter storm, Grace’s regular Feeding America food distribution has been rescheduled to Thursday, January 15th.  On the 15th we’ll welcome over two hundred people, serve a warm meal and distribute laundry detergent, toilet paper and over 8000lbs of food. If you can help in the kitchen be here at 4:00.  For other hospitality and food distribution, 4:45.  If you need food know that we distribute from about 5:20-6:40.  Thanks all!

The Ordination of a Priest

Join us on Saturday, December 20 at 11:00am as we celebrate the ordinations of Jodi and Christian Baron to the priesthood!  They’ve been with us since summer and on this journey of discernment and formation for years  Congratulations to them both!  Come pray.  Come celebrate.  Come join with Grace, clergy of this Diocese, members of St Andrew’s Grand Rapids, Bishop Hougland, and family and friends of the Barons, as we welcome these new priests into the Church.

Learning to Walk in the Dark

Join us on Sunday mornings, November 30-December 14 for an Advent read with the Rector.  We’re reading and discussing Barbara Brown Taylor’s new book, Learning to Walk in the Dark.  She writes, “The real problem has far less to do with what is really out there than it does with our resistance to finding out what is really out there.”  

We’re Feeding and Getting Fed

On Thursday, December 11th we will distribute over 8000 pounds of food from our Grace Church parking lot, welcome over two hundred fifty people and serve an extra special warm Christmas meal.  So come help at Grace’s Feeding America mobile pantry!  From 4:00-6:00 we need people to help with inside prep, hospitality and serving the meal. From 4:30-6:30 we need help with  outside table prep and food distribution.  If you are in need of food, come get some! If you are able to help out, come help out!  There is something here for everyone.

It’s Oktoberfest 2014!

Sunday, October 26th, 5:00-7:00pm:  Great food and beverages – including pork loin, cauliflower gratinee, salad, vegetarian lasagne, apple pies and pumpkin cheesecake! Beer.  Cider. Capri Sun! Jazz by the Hope College Jazz Team.  Nursery, food and activities for kids.  Come celebrate Grace ministries as we launch the Fall pledge drive!  It’s tons of fun.  Sponsored by the Stewardship Commission.

TREC Webcast

Rev. Jen has been working with the Task Force for Reimagining the Church for the past eighteen months. They’ve been exploring possible recommendations to make to the 2015 General Convention on the structure, governance and administration of the The Episcopal Church.  Watch their webcast from the National Cathedral this Thursday night at 7:30pm!  Follow this link for more information.

Come Feed People!

Thursday, September 11th we will distribute over 7500 pounds of food from our Grace Church parking lot, we’ll welcome over two hundred people and serve a warm meal.  Come help at Grace’s Feeding America mobile pantry tonight!  From 4:00-6:00 we need people to help with inside prep and the meal. From 4:30-6:30 we need help with  outside table prep, unloading of the truck and food distribution.  If you are hungry come get food! If you are able come welcome and distribute food!  There is something for everyone to do!

Kick Off Sunday – September 7th!


Bring your backpacks for a blessing, your smiles for a parish photo, and your prayers for all of our teachers and kids, especially those who will “Step Up” this Sunday in the rite of passage that celebrates their beginning high school.

The 10:00 service of Holy Eucharist will include Steppin’ Up  and a Blessing of the Packs.  It will be followed by the annual parish photo, picnic at Moran Park, and our sixth annual Kick Off Kick Ball game!

(Dress in comfy clothes, bring picnic chairs, and if able, bring some back-to-school items in your pack that you can pour out for donation.)

We’ll begin our NEW Fall schedule on September 14 with services at 8:15 and 10:00 and classes/experiences/education for all ages at 11:30.