Every month this beautiful group of people come together to share a meal, pick up some food, and put on the armor of light. God is blessed through the gathering of his children sharing the abundance of our community with those in need, for what ever reason.
At one point, without fail, a blur begins to emerge as the people coming to be fed are feeding others and those who came to feed are being fed. “The light” was blinding tonight as carols were played on the piano, stories were shared with friends, children were warmed and filled,
and most of all…Joy was palpable.
At two points during this evening I heard grumbles from my 9, 7, and 6 year olds: the first was because they were late getting there and the second was because it was time to go home. This is a truly special place!
Thanks for letting me be apart of this ministry, thanks for being the kind of place that so many in our community come to when they are hungry, lonely, or in any kind of need.
Advent Blessings to you and yours~
Rev. Jodi