Whom Are You Looking For: The Lord is Risen!
REV. CHRISTIAN BARON -March 27, 2016- EASTER SUNDAY, John 20:1-18
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit… Amen
Good morning. Happy Easter! Goodness… Lent seemed extra long this year didn’t it? Extra cold… extra dark… Am I wrong? I’m so happy for the warmth and the sunshine and the Resurrection. Glad you are here with me. If you are visiting, we’re glad you are here with us.
The past few days have been a whirlwind. Maunday Thursday… Good Friday… Holy Saturday… the Easter Vigil last night. It has been a special and wonderful week.
I have been struck this week by the text and the usage of the word “whom.” The good Friday passage Jesus asks the authorities twice “whom are you looking for?” Turns out they were looking for Jesus. They were looking for him so that they could try him and kill him. So that they could bring Jesus to a rigged trial. The trial of a man, Jesus, who was in fact guilty of insurrection. That’s right… Jesus wasn’t an innocent victim. He wasn’t innocent of his charges… He shouldn’t be pitied because he was, in fact, guilty of creating an uprising against the powers of darkness.
It is quite a story… an amazing narrative… a story of power and authority… of struggle and oppression…. And until last night… we lost… those who are friendly with Jesus Christ… those who consider Jesus their Lord and King… we lost… Until last night…and this morning… the Romans and those who participated in a system of injustice, in fact won… they killed the biggest threat to that power and to that system…
But this morning… last night… Christ overcame their efforts… Overcame death… Showed us a new kingdom… Overcame a system of sin… Taught us a new way to see power and weakness… He responded to their hatred with love… a love that could overcome death.
And then in the gospel for today Jesus asks Mary, “Whom are you looking for?” And she still doesn’t recognize her good friend Jesus…
And in this story… the story of resurrection… people are changed by God’s action… changed by the work of God who overcame death….
Jesus and the disciple that Jesus loved… John… return home after finding the tomb empty. They find an empty tomb with the burial rags wrapped up… folded nicely… burial rags that are no longer needed because the dead man is risen… Whom are you looking for, Peter? Whom are you looking for, John? And Peter and John return home to their lives… forever changed…
And Mary… the woman that loved Jesus in a way that no other human could… finally saw… finally realized that Jesus was in fact alive… In fact, Jesus had been dead but, had now been raised from the dead… And Mary, who had anointed Jesus before the last supper and who had arrived at the tomb to anoint him after his death… was the first to see him… It was a special experience for her to be able to experience the resurrected Jesus… Changed forever… Whom are you looking for, Mary? Whom are you looking for?
And Jesus himself was changed… Things were so real… so intense… that Jesus couldn’t be touched… Things were too new… too bright… too real… his physical body couldn’t be touched by a human being…
This morning we have two baptisms. Erica and Penelope… I think it is pretty fantastic that we have an adult baptism and a baptism of a baby. Two human beings who will experience an ontological change. A change that will affect the trajectory of the rest of both of their lives. And we pray that they will both continue the path to be like Jesus…. Whom are you looking for, Erica and Penelope? Whom are you looking for?
If we had a full immersion baptism font, I think the imagery would be a bit more clear. The baptism candidate would be placed under the water to signify death… death to the individual desire and then raised into a new life with Christ… Death to the old Kingdom and raised up into a life in the new one… into a life in Christ the King who constantly sacrificed himself for the good of all and not himself…
And you also… Grace Episcopal Church… You are called to renew your baptismal covenant. You too are called to be changed by the resurrection…
and you visitor… you too are called to this. You are called to treat all of humanity… and all of creation with dignity and respect… and to be a good human…
Because… for you and I… for Peter and John and Mary… for Erica and Penelope… because of the resurrection of Jesus, we can experience resurrection in our own lives… we must experience it. And, we are called to proclaim resurrection in the lives of those around us and to assist God in that work. We are called to help all of humanity get into position… to get into the tomb, like Jesus… so that they can experience it for themselves. So that all of creation can proclaim the Resurrection… So all of creation can experience new life.
And so today we feast… we will go home and eat our ham or what-not and remember that because God has chosen to become a human and because he has raised Jesus from the dead, that we are not to fast… that we are instead to feast… We fasted for 40 days… and now we shall feast for 50… May it be a 50 day feast to remember!
Praise be to God…