Sunday Services: 8:30AM and 10:30AM

Wednesday Service: 9:30AM

On Sunday, March 9th come make Walking Sticks for the Journey! All ages are invited to this intergenerational at 9:15am in the undercroft.  On March 12th we begin our Lenten Wednesday programs with suppers at 5:45pm, Holy Eucharist at 6:30pm. A book discussion at 7:00pm follows.  We’ll be reading Margaret Guenther’s, Walking Home which is also a Diocese of Western Michigan group read.  You can join the online diocesan conversation here through goodreads or on Facebook.  In Sunday Forum March 16-April 13 we’ll participate in LoveLife a study of the gospel of John published by the Episcopal Society of St John the Evangelist.  Follow this link for register for daily videos delivered to your email box and pick up a booklet in the Forum Room.  We invite you join us as we journey together this holy season.