Join us this week as we celebrate the stories and mysteries that are at the heart of our faith. All are welcome. On Maundy Thursday, April 2 at 6:00pm, we will gather in the church undercroft for a service that includes a simple Agape meal, foot washing and a celebration of the Holy Eucharist in remembrance of Jesus’ Last Supper. At the end of the service we will move into the sanctuary for a stripping of the altar in preparation for Good Friday. On Good Friday, April 3, the sanctuary will be open all day for those who would like to pray the Stations of the Cross. A Children’s Stations will take place at 5:00pm and our service for Good Friday, April 3, will begin at 7:00pm. The Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 4 begins at 9:00pm in the side yard of Grace. We’ll light a fire in the darkness and process into the Church by candle light to hear the story of God’s salvific acts, proclaim the Easter “Alleluia!” and celebrate Holy Eucharist. A dessert feast will follow the service. On Easter Sunday, April 5 at 10:00am we will celebrate the resurrection of Christ with a festive service of Holy Eucharist!