Sunday Services: 8:30AM and 10:30AM

Wednesday Service: 9:30AM

Adult Forum and Film Series: Beginning Sunday, January 7 and continuing for Sundays January 14 and 21, the Creation Care team at Grace is sponsoring Sunday Morning Forums at 9:15am and three films at 12:00pm that relate primarily to โ€˜water,โ€™ this precious resource. For the film series which will begin approximately at noon, please feel free to bring a snack to pass and a beverage of your choice on the 7th and 21st. The 14th is Pizza Sunday! All ages are welcome.

January 21st Forum Speaker, Dr. Aaron Best: Dr. Best, Professor of Biology, began working at Hope College in fall 2004. His research includes understanding the unique process of transcription in the human parasite Giardia lamblia, the integration of large-scale data sets into models of metabolism for bacteria and the microbial ecology of the Macatawa Watershed. January 21st Film: Before the Flood