Announcing that Grace’s Curates, The Revs. Jodi and Christian Baron have been called to serve as Co-Rectors of St Phillip’s Church in Beulah, MI. Congratulations, Barons! Jodi and Christian have been preparing for this day for a while now and it was made “official” last Friday. The Barons last Sunday at Grace will be this Sunday, June 26. Their last day on our staff will be June 30. The notice is short, but Grace will send them off well with celebrations at special Coffee Hours this Sunday following both services, a Children, Youth and Families Picnic at Holland State Park, Wednesday July 29 from 5:00-7:00pm, and a “Say Hey to the Barons Drop In” at Our Brewing Company, Tuesday July 5 from 5:00-7:00pm. Join us for all or some of these opportunities to offer our blessings and prayers for the Baron family.