Advent Giving Tree: Our Advent tree is up in the Commons full of stars and angels! Each ornament has a gift described on its back. Some of the gifts are for the Rodriguez family (the refugee family of seven who lives in our Parish House.) Others are requests for gift cards for emergency gas or food needs. Others request donations to our Beyond Grace Fund whose contributions will go at the end of the year to either our Feeding America ministry, the Out on the Lakeshore Community Center, or Lighthouse Immigration Advocates. Each angel or star has a detailed description. We ask that gifts, including gift cards be returned unwrapped by Sunday, December 23 so that we can wrap and deliver them. And if you are donating to the Beyond Grace Fund, you may simply designate that on the memo line of your check or put it in an envelope designated as such and place it in the offering plate on Sunday. Many thanks, Grace, for the ways in which we give to the neighbors beyond our doors.