Sunday Services: 8:30AM and 10:30AM

Wednesday Service: 9:30AM

As summer comes to an end and head into kick-off Sunday, we are beginning a new season of Christian Education at Grace Church! Below are some of the opportunities we will be offering:

Sunday Morning Education Hour (9:15-10:15)

Activate Faith ( 4yrs – 5th grade): An exploration of Biblical stories through storytelling, art, science, food, drama and music.

Holy Ground (MS & HS): A place for our youth to find quiet in their busy lives through journaling, art and other self-directed activities.

Sunday Forum (MS, HS and Adults): This year we will be guided by the thoughts, writings and teachings of our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.  Watch the bulletin insert for details!


Growing Into Worship (10:30 – Announcements): A time for our youngest members to share in a worship service geared to them in preparation for joining their families for the Eucharist.

Youth Group (As scheduled): A gathering time and place for our youth and friends to continue on their journey of pilgrimage.

Grace Reads (approximately monthly): An opportunity for Grace members and friends  to share in a common read and come together for learning and discussion.

Men’s Bible Study (every other Monday 4:14-5:15pm): This group reads through a book of Scripture and shares questions, insights and reflections.

St Mary’s Guild (Monthly on Second Mondays 7:15-8:45pm): This group comes together monthly for shared fellowship and often a guest speaker.

Pints and Perspectives: A monthly offering of our Church Family and Fellowship Commission.  Grace folks and friends are invited to gather at Big Lake Brewing for food, drinks and conversation on a shared topic.

Education for Ministry (EFM): A four-year program out of the Seminary of the South that explores personal spirituality, Scripture, Theology and Church History in a small group setting.  Registration is open every summer.

EFM 5th year: A setting for EFM graduates to come together in a small group and further learning and spiritual integration using an EFM model of theological reflection and readings chosen by the group.

The Episcopal Life: A class for newcomers to the Episcopal tradition and for old timers or middle timers too, ages 16 and up.  It is for those who just want to know more, are seeking Confirmation or Reception into the Episcopal Church.

Pop-Ups: What are you exploring or reading that you’d like to sit with others to talk about or wrestle with?  Let us know and we’ll help you Pop-Up the offer of a one-time or short-term conversation around a topic, book, or other issue of interest.